Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 1 - search for optimal health

Today I started the day at 6am with a lemon drink with vitaminC and other vitamin capsules broken into it, a couple of other vitamins including one which helps digestion, this had to be 30 mins before breakfast, for breakfast I had to have 26gms of protein so I had two eggs scrambled with butter(allowed) but no milk (not allowed).  I also had one teaspoon of a melted butter type mixture which i had to make up which will go on for a week and increases by day.  This is what is called a Ghee flush????.  It is meant to get the liver going and then on day 7 castor oil is to be taken and then I am supposed to run to the toilet....can't wait for day 7!!!.  Anyway another vitamin at morning tea with a snack of almonds. Lunch was chicken including skin (I know....strange) with salad and more vitamins.  For dinner more protein and carbs are also on the menu so Steak and veges are on the menu and of course more vitamins.  I also had my first workout with a personal trainer mid morning, and nearly threw up for about half an hour. It wasn't even that hard, but I felt pretty sick from a big breakfast and heaps of smelly vitamins that you can taste all day.  Anyway Day 1 is done and I will keep at it.

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