Thursday, May 28, 2009

Still at it! Monday will be 3 weeks. I am feeling OK. Have note had any bread or sugar or alcohol for three weeks. It's not that hard really to cut those things out and if I had lost heaps of weight I would be happy to say I will never eat them again.....but that's not the case. maybe my expectations are a little high. The only thing I am struggling with at the moment is MEAT. I am so sick of eating meat. Especially breakfast. I would love a bowl of porridge or muesli. I am still eating the same things - bacon, sausages or lamb chops etc for breakfast and two eggs either scrambled, fried or poached, but I am so sick of it. I have got to the stage that by dinnertime I have not really been eating anything because I can't bare to put another piece of meat in my mouth. I hope this is doing something. I don't feel I have lost anymore weight since my great 0.7kg weigh-in on Monday. I will stick at it, I have made the commitment, but if something doesn't happen soon I will be very disillusioned. I'll keep you posted!!!

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