Monday, May 11, 2009

Embarking on a new treatment for

I feel like I am skipping ahead a little, I have missed out a lot of explanation of symptons as well as medication, doses and effects.  But I will go back to that from time to time.  For now I want to document a new treatment plan that I have started today. A friend of my husbands recently recommended a clinic which offers what they call a "program for optimal health".  My husband and I made an appointment and went to see what they had to offer. At the modern, well equipped clinic I spoke with a couple of employees who filled me in a little on what they offer.  They fairly quickly mentioned that the Doctor that owned the clinic had some different ideas than most when it comes to health and nutrition, and some might even say his ideas have been labelled "controversial".  This got me interested.  What do I have to lose, I have been on meds for over a year and gone from Hyperthyroid to Hypothyroid and back again.  I have gained 10kgs, I am tired all the time, I am losing my hair, my left eye waters constantly and both eyes are sore and irritated, I have been on antidepressants for 6months.  Obviously my Endocrinologist can't help or she would have by now, also when I discuss my ailments (such as weight gain) she denies they are related to Grave's, I leave her office feeling like an idiot.  I enquired a bit more and made a decision to join a 16 week program they offered me for $2000.  I hope it works.  I am intending to document as much info about the program and if it is working for me.  Even if I lose weight I would be happy, but my intention is to feel and look good also.

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